4 out of 12

1 min readMay 6, 2021

I’ve been racking my brain about what to write for you, April.

Seems like the days have gone by so fast. I’ve been diagnosed with Covid again. I had to quarantine for the three out of four weeks. But I’ve also just been keeping at work.

If there’s anything worth sharing tho, is this: I finally understand my body clock, and I now know how to work around my biological schedule.

I sorely loose to insomnia — no matter how hard I try. No matter how hard I sleep early for a few days, it always reverts back to the usual 2–3 am routine. My brain is most active from 10 pm to 4 am. I realize this now. And this is why I moved all my mentally-stimulating tasks around this window. Instead of getting glued to my phone, or twisting and turning for that sweet snooze spot, I focus my overcharged electrical synapses in to doing actual creative work. I find that I’m more productive this way.

I take intermittent naps during the day. The tasks I do don’t require that much mental effort — routine, easy-peasy. I‘ve been more efficient, since. I don’t need to think think.

As for sustainability, I’m not so sure how this will pan out in the long run. I’ll have to see. But for now things are working out, and I’ll take what I can get.

And now, we brace ourselves for May.

